«UNEX» Trademark History
The equipment trademark was registered by Unex Company in 1991 in Great Britain. The company started its work with development and production of the security systems accessories for commercial banks. During the following 10 years the product mix grew up to 2 346 positions, and at the end of 90s the decision was taken to transfer the production to the Region of South-Eastern Asia with the purpose to reduce the cost and keep the prices on the level acceptable for the majority of customers. In 2003 there appeared a new security system product line «Unex-Premium», oriented for professional use and meeting certain functional requirements.
After 5 years of successful work with Unex equipment in the Western Europe it was decided to expand the area of sales towards the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. At this area the company works through the official exclusive dealer network (which contacts details can be found in the relevant part of the website).
Currently Unex trademark is owned by Unex Consult Ltd. Company. All equipment, distributed in Central and Eastern Europe under the «Unex» trademark is manufactured on the factories in South-East Asia under the license. Further it`s checked by the company specialists to meet the approved norms for use in Great Britain and other countries of Europe.
Security system equipment presented under the «Unex» trademark, is divided into following categories:
- - Standard box cameras, dome cameras, vandal-proof cameras, PTZ speed cameras
- - IP equipment
- - DVR’s
- - Housing, cases, brackets
- - Video controllers, operating controllers
- - CCTV balun
- - IR illuminator
- - Surge Protector
- - Additional equipment
Website www.unexpro.ru offers the most complete characteristics of equipment available in the Central and Eastern Europe markets, with photos and specifications in the Russian language. For this region there is also created a special exchange system for the projects integrating Unex equipment.